What Are Some Common Radiator Problems?


If your vehicle has been experiencing overheating, smoking, or a drop in pressure, it might have issues with the radiator. There are certain problems that tend to be more common with radiators, as listed below. If any of these issues are a concern to you, get your vehicle to a mechanic right away. Leaks Having a leak is one of the most common radiator issues, and also happens to be a sign that you have radiator problems.

8 June 2016

When To Tow With A Flatbed Or Dolly


The difference that most people see when making the choice between a flatbed tow and a towing dolly is the cost. A tow dolly is much less expensive than a flatbed truck as it only requires a hitch ball to use, rather than a dedicated flatbed truck with a set of hydraulics. While cost is always a huge factor when the need for towing services arrive, there are situations which merit the use of either a flatbed or a dolly.

1 April 2016

Remaining Safe Following A Winter Weather Accident


During the middle of winter, weather can make driving hazardous. Accidents happen in the blink of an eye due to reduced visibility and slick roads. Getting into an accident during poor weather is the worst time, especially if your vehicle becomes immobilized and you are stuck waiting on an emergency tow. Here are a few tips to remain safe following an accident. Remain Calm The most important thing you can do if you have been involved in an accident during winter weather is to remain calm.

5 February 2016

Four Tips For Staying Safe While Waiting For A Tow Truck


Having car troubles while you are out on the road can be a drag. If you are stranded while waiting for help to arrive, don't compound your situation by being unsafe while waiting for towing services, from a company like Jenwar Towing & Recovery. Here are four things you should (and shouldn't) do to ensure your safety while waiting for a tow truck. 1. Don't Solicit Help from Strangers Regardless of whether your car troubles are minor or more substantial, it is a good idea to wait for a professional opinion.

24 November 2015

Towing Tips: 7 Reasons Your Semi Truck May Break Down


You drive your semi truck when necessary, but the truth is your truck could stop for a number of reasons. You can take preventative measures, such as keeping the number of your towing specialist handy. The following are 7 reasons your truck may stop on you that you might be able to prevent by having your mechanic regularly inspect your truck. 1. Bad Tires The first thing you should do is make sure your tires are in tip top shape, so watch out for the following:

29 October 2015

What Should You Keep In Your Car In The Event Of An Emergency This Winter?


With winter almost here and holiday travel coming up quickly, it's important to think about those things that you should keep in your car for safety's sake. Having the right tools on hand can help save you from injury, harm or inconvenience while you wait for a tow. First Aid/Personal Care Items Whether you're in an accident and have been injured or are simply stuck in the snow, having personal care items in your car can literally be a lifesaver.

27 October 2015

Two Tips To Help The New Semi Driver Avoid A Tire Blowout


If you're a new over-the-road driver, one of the first things you should understand is the importance of maintaining your truck. Nowhere is this statement more important than when it comes to the tires. A blowout isn't just a quick way to stop you in your tracks, but it also poses a safety risk to you and other motorists on the road. Seeing pieces of shredded semi-truck tires tossed about on the road is a common occurrence; however, there are a number of practical things you can do to help decrease this risk.

22 October 2015