Two Tips To Help The New Semi Driver Avoid A Tire Blowout


If you're a new over-the-road driver, one of the first things you should understand is the importance of maintaining your truck. Nowhere is this statement more important than when it comes to the tires. A blowout isn't just a quick way to stop you in your tracks, but it also poses a safety risk to you and other motorists on the road. Seeing pieces of shredded semi-truck tires tossed about on the road is a common occurrence; however, there are a number of practical things you can do to help decrease this risk.

Poor Inflation

One of the primary reasons for a blowout is incorrect tire inflation, whether it be under-inflation or over-inflation. When a tire is under-inflated, heat can fill inside the tire chamber in the space that would normally be filled with air. As the heat level increases, this causes the tire to expand, eventually causing it to explode.

In terms of over-inflation, the increased amount of air inside the tire chamber puts extra pressure on the walls of the tire, which can also cause it to explode. The best way to avoid a blowout caused by an inflation issue is to regularly check your tire pressure. How many miles you drive your truck on a regular basis will determine how often you should check the pressure, but once every week is a good place to begin.

Excessive Load Weight

Your tires aren't just the catalyst by which your truck is able to move, but they also play a supporting role when it comes to supporting the weight of your load. All tires have a weight capacity limit at which they can operate. When you place more weight in the trailer than the tires can safely accommodate, this puts extra pressure on the tires.

In this state, even something as minor as hitting a small, plastic bottle in the road can cause the tire to blow. It's also important to mention that an incorrect distribution of weight within the trailer can also lead to a blowout. Make sure the weight is spread out evenly over each axle to prevent this type of mishap.

In The Event Of A Blowout

In the event an unforeseen circumstance causes you to experience a tire blowout, safety is the number one concern. If you are unable to safely change the tire on your own, calling a trucking towing professional is an excellent next step. A tow professional can safely and easily get you back on the road and headed towards your destination.

Make sure you keep preventive maintenance a top priority for your semi. While it might seem like an overwhelming effort, both your ability to drive and your safety depend on it.


22 October 2015

towing and caring for a 4-wheel-drive vehicle

Owning a 4-wheel-drive SUV comes with more expense and doing things a bit differently. When you put tires on your 4-wheel-drive vehicle, you will have to replace all four at once. The tread-wear must be even to protect the 4-wheel-drive elements of the vehicle. When you have a 4-wheel-drive vehicle towed, you cannot simply hook it up to any tow truck and have it delivered to your local mechanic's shop. This blog will show you what needs to be done when your 4-wheel-drive vehicle needs towed and the other differences of owning a vehicle that goes beyond the basic 2-wheel-drive.